Hello Friend, my name is JJ Parker & I've discovered what I call the "36 Hour Miracle".
I’m here to tell you that it’s been a miracle in my life and the lives of just about everyone else I know who has tried it.
Ask stars like Tom Brady or Gisele, Jack Dorsey, Jennifer Aniston, Jimmy Kimmel or the thousands of others who have tried it and swear by it.
Now it's your turn. Try it! It will change your life! You will be thankful you found it...Guaranteed!
So, please give me a few minutes of your time and I promise to give you something miraculous in return.
Whether you’re a health nut or a junk food junkie - a work out fiend or a couch potato…
the 36 Hour Miracle can perform miracles in your life!
It's been compared to the Fountain of Youth and it's been said to strengthen the immune system
and help with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, cancer, etc.
Here are just a few of the MANY potential benefits:
- Lose weight and maintain your ideal weight
- Improve your mental capacity
- Heal injuries faster
- Conquer any task set before you
- Easily make changes in life
- Diminish bodily aches and pains
- Stop addictions and bad habits
- Supercharge your immune system to fight off disease
- Repair damaged bodily systems
- Look and feel younger
- Increase energy levels
- Increase your confidence & self-worth
- Gain complete control over your Mind, Body & Soul
The 36 Hour Miracle will make you STRONGER! Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and any other 'ally' you can think of.
How much will this “Miracle” cost, you say? Wait for it………….NOTHING!
Not only will it NOT cost you any money, you can easily save over $6,000 every year. You’ll also gain over 200 hours of free time you didn’t have before. Just think, if you do the 36 Hour Miracle for 30 years and invest the $6,000 yearly savings at an 8% average rate of return…you’ll accumulate over $700,000!
And if you add that to the money you’ll save on future doctor’s visits, medications, fad diets, wasted time, etc.
You’ll save well over a MILLION dollars! (I’ll show you my calculations later.)
Sounds pretty good, right?
Sooooooo, you say: All my problems are going to be gone - I’m going to feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life - I’ll be in great shape mentally and physically AND it’s going to make me a millionaire???
Yeah right…See Ya Later! (I’m certain I would have said the same thing.)
OK, so…bells are probably going off and you're thinking this is one of those ridiculous internet infomercials that promises you some sort of miracle but is really just trying to get you to buy their product or system. Definitely NOT!
I honestly just want to share my discovery with you and hopefully give you a gift that ends up changing your life and making the world a better place at the same time.
So please keep reading…
Before I go any further, I want to let you know that this isn’t for everyone. And before you try the 36 Hour Miracle, as with any diet or lifestyle change, you should definitely consult with your doctor or healthcare professional.
Ok! You say. Enough of the Blah, Blah, Blah…tell me the secret already!
First, let me tell you a little bit about myself and what it has done for me.
I've been through countless diet & lifestyle changes in my 40 something years on this planet. Some to lose weight, some for health reasons and some just to see what they were all about. You name it, I've tried it...vegan, keto, meditation, yoga, hypnotism, calorie counting, portion control, religion, intermittent fasting, diet crazes and fads, etc., etc., etc. Most of the things I tried left me less fulfilled than I expected them to. Either they didn’t live up to their original expectations or I just lost the interest or desire. They never seemed to fit into the lifestyle I WANTED to live.
I love wine, chocolate, desserts (ice cream especially), dining out, fast food, gourmet food, gatherings with friends, binge watching junk TV, neighborhood cookouts, etc. None of which seem to be conducive with what many would consider a "healthy" lifestyle. In the past, I limited or even completely eliminated some of my favorite things in life, for one reason or another. Getting rid of the things I loved, certainly never made me happier. So, a little over 6 years ago, I somehow stumbled across the 36 Hour Miracle and it has changed my life in more ways than I can explain. I feel better than I've felt in years. I have tons of energy. My memory has improved. My blood pressure has improved dramatically. I've been at my ideal weight for over 5 years. I'm in complete control of every aspect of my life. I’ve realized I can eat pretty much whatever and whenever I want, within reason. I exercise much more moderately than I have in my past with better results. I still go through periods when I’m living a “healthy” lifestyle and also other times when I’m a little out of control. The difference now is that the 36 Hour Miracle is my foundation and it never lets me get too far away from where I want to be.
A large portion of the world’s population is in the midst of an overweight crisis. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and cancer are just a few of the many issues related directly to obesity. We all know how to eat “healthy” but doing it consistently has been proven impossible to do for myself and most other people in today’s society. Our society is often centered around food. Business meetings, parties, neighborhood gatherings, sporting events, etc. There's usually an abundance of food and drink available to us whenever we want it. And we’re constantly being barraged by advertising from multi-billion dollar food companies. Add these to other subconscious forces and what many believe to be 'brains that were programmed millions of years ago to eat while there’s food available because it could be days before our next meal', it’s a wonder how ANYONE is able to escape obesity. And let’s face it…dieting is often difficult and most often results in failure and frustration. It's never fun being the one at a neighborhood cookout unable to find anything that fits into your current diet plan or having to explain to your boss why the dessert she wants you to try is off limits. Most diets are just way too restrictive and almost impossible to adhere to in the long term. I say “almost” because with the help of the 36 Hour Miracle, you’ll be able to control your weight in the long term almost effortlessly. You won’t have to restrict yourself at parties, luncheons or neighborhood cookouts. You will no longer have that guilty feeling of having a few too many of this or that during the holidays. I want to be clear on one thing though: Saying the 36 Hour Miracle is a "diet" would be minimizing something that has sooooo many more meaningful benefits. Even if you start it purely for weight loss/control, I'm certain you’ll soon see the many other benefits and continue it for life.
Modern medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds but it doesn’t appear to be contributing to the overall health of the human race. Our fixation on magic pills that are supposed to cure whatever ails us, coupled with drug companies that invest billions to come up with these magic pills and then spend billions convincing us we need them, has created an over-prescribed society that is hooked on medication. These medications often alter the chemical makeup and impair the normal functions of our brains. An all too common theme is one of being prescribed a pill and eventually needing two different pills to fix the problems the first pill caused. I’ve been just as guilty as anyone else of buying into the magic pill solution in the past. Don’t get me wrong, I believe medications in many circumstances are absolutely necessary. I just think our health system is flawed and that we rely too much on this flawed system to tell us what we need. I believe we could be fixing a lot of our problems ourselves.
For instance, years ago, it seemed like I would get the flu or severe colds every year. I would typically run to the doctor or pharmacy to get antibiotics or other medications that probably weren't helping and may have even been hurting the situation. I was just doing what I had always done. I've been practicing the 36 Hour Miracle for over 6 years now and I can tell you with certainty that sickness in my life is almost non-existent. I've had things like allergy problems in the past that I don't even notice anymore. Several people that practice the 36 Hour Miracle have told me how they no longer need this or that medication and make much more astounding claims than I have. I can’t speak for anyone else, but in my case, I attribute the many health related improvements in my life to the 36 Hour Miracle’s ability to supercharge my immune system and repair damaged bodily systems. Maybe I’m crazy but I truly believe if cancer were to try to infiltrate a part of my body, because of my years practicing the 36 Hour Miracle, my immune system would combat it with ease.
I’ve had several people tell me how the 36 Hour Miracle has helped them with addictions to things like alcohol, pain medication, smoking, food, etc. Many drugs, whether prescribed or not, are relatively harmless in the short term. When they become long term addictions, their original intentions are often lost and the consequences can become dire. I don’t have experience with any of these serious addictions but I do have experience with something a lot of you may be able to relate to…OK people…here goes…My name is JJ & I was a coffee/caffeine addict! Not so dangerous sounding but I was barely able to realize it was an addiction. It was just my way of life. I NEEDED my 2 cups of coffee in the morning before I could even start to think or comprehend anything. I needed my afternoon cup just to get to the end of the day and I often needed a cup after work to get me to the finish line of the evening. I was filling myself with caffeine but I was tired all the time. Someone explained my caffeine addiction to me like this and it seemed to make sense: The drug caffeine gave me a high in the beginning. Slowly, my brain stopped producing chemicals to give me natural energy because it was able to rely on the caffeine to do this. Eventually, my brain was relying mainly on the drug to give me energy and I needed more and more just to get to “normal”. Just like most drugs, long term use decreases their effectiveness & interferes with the brains ability to function “normally”. Needless to say, the 36 Hour Miracle easily cured me of that craziness and I’m forever grateful. Although I still drink coffee on occasion, sometimes socially or maybe before a workout to give me an extra boost, I’m in complete control of IT, rather than IT controlling me.
I really can’t express enough that you have to experience the 36 Hour Miracle to really understand it and to see all the wonderful benefits. It's like trying to explain all the wonders of being a new mother or father and everything that goes along with it. Without actually experiencing it, it’s difficult to really get it.
So, without further adieu…here's what the 36 Hour Miracle is. Drumroll please……….
It's a 36 hour fast (water only), once a week...every week...FOR LIFE!
That's it! Simple, huh? Can you do it? Trust me...YOU CAN!
Before you run off and say, "Thanks for wasting my time!", please stay with me for a couple more minutes.
I don't want to get into the science behind fasting and the positive effects it may have on the brain and body at the physiological, molecular or cellular levels. If you're interested, there is plenty of information and research out there and I encourage you to study it.
- One simple explanation I like is that our bodies and brains have been accustomed to going without food for millions of years. Only in the past few generations has food been so readily available. Take caveman for example: He wasn't able to go to the fridge and get a snack whenever he had the urge. He probably had long periods when food wasn't available and his brain developed in a way to deal with these situations. I would guess that at least once a week, there was a 36 hour period when there was no food available. His brain went into starvation and survival mode, producing chemicals like adrenaline to help him go out and hunt. Also turning on other bodily systems to help cure any sickness or other problems that might have been affecting his ability to survive. He probably then had the energy to go out and catch or kill enough food to last a few days before starting the cycle over.
- Another explanation I like is that when we fast, our bodies go into what's know as a ketogenic state. It's like a car switching from battery power to gasoline. Our brains work differently than normal, we get our energy from different sources in the body and our survival mode kicks in. The batteries and other functions like the digestive system get a chance to rest and recharge while we tap into other energy and healing sources.
These days, our brains and bodies rarely if ever see that starvation and survival mode so these systems sit idle. I believe the 36 Hour Miracle will help wake up these systems and can perform miracles on your mind, body and soul.
If you would have asked me years ago if I thought I could do this for more than a couple weeks in a row, I would have said no way. I’m not an especially strong-willed person nor have I ever been deeply committed to anything. And I'll be honest, there were more than a few times during the first year that I dreaded it and thought about not doing it. But each week, without fail, I did it and I’m so very thankful that I kept going. It's been over 6 years and now I look forward to doing it every week, without exception. My only regret is that I didn't discover this earlier in my life.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as easy as taking a pill and all your problems are gone. This is something that most people look at on the surface and think they could never do it. I'm here to tell you that, yes, it takes work and will probably be difficult in the beginning. You may dread the first few times. But before long you will not only, not dread it, you will look forward to it and be excited about doing it.
Trust me, just get through the first few times and it will start to become second nature before you know it.
It gets a little easier each week and you will slowly but surely start to see and feel the benefits.